1. grab the datasheet
2. locate the following signal pins:
- nTRST (Test Rest
- TDI (Test Data Input)
- TDO (Tet Data Output)
- TMS (Test Mode Select)
- TCK (Test Clock)

4. find those on the circuit board

5. heat your oven 🙂

6. get the chip off the board
my first try wasn’t too successful

so here we go again

7. now trace the previously identified pins
8. mission accomplished:

9. Resources
Wallaby JTAG, iPAQ 3600 JTAG
10. Notes
I think it is possible to do this without killing the device (which in my case didn’t matter because I got an already dead one just for this task).
Therefore you should prebake the circuit board at around 100°C for some time (to get the rid of the moisture) and only use the minimal temperature to unsolder the parts you want to remove/replace.
Also it might be a good idea to fixate the board so you dont accidentially move components once the solder is liquid (like I did – of course 🙂 ).
Don’t hesitate to contact me in case you need some more traces, or parts of this board (though I can’t guarantee nothing)